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Our Journey (Almost) Begins!

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

We purchased our RV on Friday, March 13, 2020. As we were signing the purchase documents, I questioned whether we should have postponed signing on a date other than Friday the 13th. The next day, California Shelter-in-Place rules were announced.

What we initially thought might be a Friday the 13th curse, turned into a blessing, as we were able to take short trips getting used to the RV (our mobile shelter-in-place location) on mostly deserted roadways in advance of our "official" August 2020 RV travels kickoff.

One of our first trips was the somewhat harrowing drive on Hwy 1 from Monterey to Pismo Beach that we would have otherwise not been able to get away with - traveling at only ~35 mph (sometimes slower!) because of the many hairpin turns. We had to pull over a handful of times on the ~150 mile stretch to let 2-3 cars pass (I can't imagine the back-up that would have been behind us during non-Covid times)! It was an amazingly beautiful drive that I would highly recommend, but one that I know we won't ever do again (at least not in our RV + tow car).

...Fast forward... it's hard to believe we are only a few weeks away from the official August start of our travels! And what do I pack for a 2-3 month adventure? It's difficult enough for me to pack for a 1 week trip, but 2-3 months with varying temperatures? I'm sure there will be plenty of stores if I forget something, so my goal is to impress Tom with how little I'm packing. :)

We were originally intending that our trip would take us to various destinations on the East Coast: visiting Dave/Tracy on Cranberry Island, Dean/Susan in the Hamptons, and Gary/Julie in Michigan - but then my brother got engaged to Patricia (yeah!) so our plans changed to the West Coast. ...And then Covid postponed the wedding, but we still thought it was best to stay West in case things start to close down again.

So... we're planning to see as much of the West as possible over the next few months - to visit national parks, find interesting food spots (which, as some of you know, consumes the majority of my waking hours) without gaining weight, and to golf (which consumes most of Tom's waking hours!) as much as possible.

Stay tuned for our first official adventure!

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1 комментарий

24 июл. 2020 г.

Yeah!!!!! We are so so happy for you two ❤️ Have a wonderful time, can’t wait to read all about it!

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